Born Again in Jesus' Name
Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity of being rebaptized!
However, I know some of you may be asking why I chose to get rebaptized. Some of you may be wondering if it's worth it to get rebaptized. Some of you may be wondering how I went about this process.
Well, today, I'll be answering all of those questions that you may have about rebaptism!
Why Did You Get Rebaptized?
In short, I chose to get rebaptized because I wanted to reprofess my faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. I was baptized Catholic as a baby, and I wanted to be born again in my faith as an adult.
However, diving deeper into that reasoning, I wanted to get rebaptized because I was carrying a lot of weight on my shoulders. I was carrying a lot of guilt and shame I had collected over the last several years of me not giving my life fully to Christ. All the guilt and shame from the sins I had committed was tearing me apart.
By getting rebaptized, I knew that I did not have to worry about those past sins any longer. When you are rebaptized (or baptized in general), your old self dies. Your old, mortal self that lived for the world dies when you are being submerged into the water. When you come back up from the water, you are born NEW from the waters of Christ and you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
Peter says in Acts 2:38,
"Repent and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Overall, I knew that getting rebaptized was going to help me tremendously in continuing my walk with Christ - and it sure did! Over these last few weeks after getting rebaptized, I have honestly never been happier! Of course, I have my bad days, but I just feel so alive, and not just alive in this world, but alive for JESUS!
Born again in the baptismal waters of Jesus Christ!
Is It Worth It To Get Rebaptized?
Honestly, I would say yes! If you were baptized as a baby or small child like me and have no memory or recollection of being baptized, I would suggest it.
Getting rebaptized is a great way to reprofess your faith in Christ, especially if you have stepped out of Christianity and are coming back into it. It is a great way to be cleansed of all of your sins, and to be born again into a new era of your faith. As I mentioned before, the main reason why I wanted to get rebaptized was because I wanted to wash away all of the sins I had previously committed before my fully devout walk with Christ.
I promise you, rebaptizing will change your perspective on life! If you feel a tug on your heart from the Lord to get rebaptized in His name, then I would say go for it!
My rebaptism video!
How Did You Get Rebaptized?
I got rebaptized by one of my sisters in Delight, Abby. Over the last semester, I've developed a close spiritual bond with Abby. She is so wise in her faith, and I felt a tug on my heart for me to ask her if she could rebaptize me because of her vast knowledge.
I got baptized in my college's pool, and while it is not how most people get baptized, I would not change a single thing about it. I was surrounded by some of my close friends in Delight, and my sister Sarah was there to support me too. It was a beautiful moment with the Holy Spirit surrounding all of us.
Abby and I after I got rebaptized!
There are plenty of ways you can get rebaptized. You can ask a friend in Christ to baptize you, you can go to your local church and ask your pastor to baptize you, there are so many ways you can reprofess your faith.
Wrapping Up
Overall, I hope that this post answers your questions about rebaptism! If you have any more questions about rebaptism or baptism in general, please feel free to send me a message.
How will you choose to profess your faith in Christ?