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A Day in the Life of a Perfectly Imperfect Christian College Student

We all know nowadays that social media tends to be pretty fake.

When we post things on social media, we like for our social media to be a "highlight reel". We want our photos on social media to represent how we look at our absolute best, and we try so hard for our social media to look perfect for others to see so it looks like we have the best lives. We're all guilty of comparing ourselves to each other on social media, whether we realize it or not.

My Mission

Well, one of the missions of my blog is to show the truth and the reality behind being a Christian college student for all to see, and that is why I have an audio slideshow post for you today showing a day in my life!

As you can see, there were plenty of instances where I forgot to take pictures and did not. I wasn't wearing makeup today, and I didn't have my hair done either. I am nowhere near a perfect "Christian girl influencer". However, my blog's purpose is to show each and every woman reading that God wants you for who you are. He doesn't expect you to come to Him with absolutely no issues. He expects you to come to him as you are, because He loves you just the way you are! After all, the Lord created you for a beautiful purpose!

Anyways, I'll get off of my soapbox now and let you watch the video.

Come to Jesus As You Are!

This next week, I invite all of you women out there to learn to love yourselves as the Lord made you. I call you to come to Jesus, regardless of where you are in your life. Jesus loves you SO much that He died on the cross for you! Come to Him with all your troubles and worries, and let Him set you free.

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you." - Psalm 37:5

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Hi! My name is Miranda Danos, and I'm a junior at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana studying Mass Communication. My goal is to inspire other young women to become their best selves through Christ.


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